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Review Who Gets to See What

IT isn’t like a rock festival – you don’t want to give anyone an all-access pass. Complying with regulations like CCPA, HIPAA, PCI DSS, and Sarbanes-Oxley, requires you to control who can access what data and applications across your company. You also have to monitor, manage, and audit every single user account, from creation to termination, and keep a record of exactly what each account is allowed to do. And finally, you have to keep those records up to date with regular user account reviews (also known as account recertification, account attestation, or entitlement reviews) that make sure what people are doing matches what your access policies say their roles allow them to do.

This can be a time-consuming process. First you have to understand what assets you have and who’s responsible for them. Then you have to determine how they can be used and by whom. After reviewing all your databases, applications, and systems, and comparing users’ access permissions with their roles, you then have to remediate any mismatches, create a new report to verify the changes, and store the report in case of audit.

If you’d rather entrust that to experienced security professionals, call Xantrion. We’ll make sure your access permissions are appropriate, accurate, and ready for a compliance audit if necessary.

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