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Are you subject to the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)?

The California Consumer Privacy Act is designed to educate and protect California consumers about personal information that is being collected and sold, primarily by large, California companies. This new law also affects businesses outside of California and the US, if the consumer they collect information about resides in California.

New Consumer Rights

CCPA gives California consumers the right to ask a business what personal data they are selling to third parties and to what third parties. If a consumer does not want their data sold to a third party, they will be able to deny that sale. The consumer also has the right to request their personal data be deleted by the business and service providers of that business. Businesses must respond and comply within a certain timeframe.

Businesses Affected

Businesses will now be subject to CCPA rules if:

  • they have an annual gross revenue of $25 million or more
  • half of a business’ revenue is dependent upon selling consumers’ information
  • they sell information on 50,000 consumers

For more information on whether your business is affected by the new California Consumer Privacy Act, read California’s factsheet.

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