

There’s More to IT Work Than IT

At Xantrion, solid technology skills aren’t our only priority. Since we all spend a lot of time together, we want to be able to work well together, so we want our team members to have more than just technical chops. We look for people who have both hard and soft skills, from persistence, problem-solving, and a passion for technology to…

Is your Windows 10 Computer Ready for Updates?

When Microsoft initially released Windows 10 in 2015, it introduced the concept of “Windows as a service”. Instead of rolling out a new Windows release every three to five years, Microsoft decided to add new features and enhancements to its flagship product in “bite-size chunks”. Those chunks come twice a year in the form of feature updates (e.g., Windows 10…

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There’s More to IT Work Than IT

At Xantrion, solid technology skills aren’t our only priority. Since we all spend a lot of time together, we want to be able to work well together, so we want our team members to have more than just technical chops. We look for people who have both hard and soft skills, from persistence, problem-solving, and a passion for technology to…

Is your Windows 10 Computer Ready for Updates?

When Microsoft initially released Windows 10 in 2015, it introduced the concept of “Windows as a service”. Instead of rolling out a new Windows release every three to five years, Microsoft decided to add new features and enhancements to its flagship product in “bite-size chunks”. Those chunks come twice a year in the form of feature updates (e.g., Windows 10…

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