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Reduce Costs and Beat the IT Security Labor Shortage

To keep your key systems functional, you need two centralized teams to oversee your entire network: a security operations center (SOC) and a network operations center (NOC).  

Your SOC monitors, responds to, and remediates security threats to protect applications and data against cyberattacks. Your NOC keeps an eye on network status, applies updates and patches, and provides tech support to your users. Both are equally necessary – and because they have to work together across your entire network, it makes sense for both teams to overlap, partly or even fully. 

But at a time when the IT labor market is tighter than ever, staffing your NOC and SOC can take more time and money than you have. First you have to find candidates with all the necessary expertise: application support, systems engineering, network maintenance, and for the SOC, cybersecurity. Then you have to compete in a bidding war against companies with bigger budgets.  

Meanwhile, your support requests build up, your software updates and vulnerability scanning don’t get done in a timely way, and your risk of downtime and data breaches rises. 

There’s a better way to get the talent you need, when you need it, in a cost-effective way: by outsourcing your NOC and SOC to a supplemental IT provider like Xantrion. Working with an external vendor saves you the effort and expense of recruiting and onboarding employees who could move on at any time. Instead, you have 24/7 access to experienced IT professionals who have all the necessary skills to protect your network and keep it running, and you pay only for the time and skills you use. Someone is always available to keep your network up to date and address your security concerns, so you don’t have to worry about turnover. And if your business experiences a spike in growth – or a sudden increase in cyberattacks – your provider has enough trained people available at any given time to help you scale up your infrastructure and security on demand. 

If you’re ready to build or expand your security operations center and network operations center, Xantrion can help you do it efficiently and cost-effectively. Learn more about the top reasons to choose supplemental IT support, and contact us to get started right away.

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