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Technology Move Tips – Minimize the Business Interruption and Hassle

Update your phone number
  • Ensure you can transfer your current phone number(s), local phone service and features, such as voice mail, to your new location. If not, get new ones and arrange for call forwarding for at least 90 days.
  • Ensure you can transfer your local long distance and long-distance services at the same time. This is usually a good time to optimize your rates based on your usage.
  • It takes up to 1 week to transfer or obtain new service and you can’t do steps 2 and 3 without your new address and phone number(s).
  • Don’t end current service until service is working at your new location so people can reach you somewhere if need be.
  • Obtain a confirmation number for each change and call your current and new provider every week and then every day a few days prior to the move to keep things on track.
Update your internet connection
  • Ensure you can transfer your internet connection or your integrated internet/phone service to your new location. If not, obtain new service. This is usually a good time to optimize your rates based on your usage.
  • It takes up to 4 weeks to transfer or obtain new service and often you can’t do step 3 without this.
  • Don’t end current service until service is working at your new location so you can use the internet somewhere if need be.
  • Obtain a confirmation number for each change and call your current and new support provider every week and then every day a few days prior to the move to keep things on track.
Update your email and website
  • There is no need to do anything if your email and website are located outside of your office.
  • If one or both are located in your office, allow 2 weeks to obtain your administrative passwords and coordinate with your domain registrar and internet service provider(s).
  • Perform the equipment move and new location notification the weekend before you need to be operational in your new location.
  • Obtain a confirmation number for your change and stay in touch with your service providers to keep things on track.
  • It can take up to a day to troubleshoot problems.
Review wiring and jacks
  • Perform a walk through of your new location to ensure it has what you need. If not, work with phone and wiring companies to install what’s missing.
  • Perform the equipment move and new location notification the weekend before you need to be operational in your new location.
  • Perform a walk through of your new location to ensure it has what you need. If not, work with phone and wiring companies to install what’s missing.
  • It takes up to 1 week to obtain new jacks.
  • Test the jacks to ensure they provide a live phone or data signal before you move.
  • It can take up to 1 week to troubleshoot signal problems.
Inventory your assets
  • Computer equipment.
  • Software licenses and disks.
  • Passwords.
  • Service provider contact information to ensure you don’t lose critical information and equipment during the move.
  • Back up your electronic information.
  • Back up your electronic company information, such as accounting or service data, to ensure you don’t lose critical information during the move.
  • Restore a couple of files from your backup before you dismantle your equipment to ensure it will work as needed before you’re in an emergency situation.

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