Preparing in advance for a disaster is the best way to make sure you get back to work promptly when one happens – and having a team focused on disaster recovery (DR) is the best way to minimize response time and damages. Some of the people you might want to have on your DR team are:
- a team lead who supervises the team and coordinates its activity
- a crisis management coordinator in charge of data recovery
- a business continuity expert responsible for managing operations and aligning them with DR activity
- an IT applications monitor who makes sure everything works together during and after recovery
- impact assessment and recovery advisors in specific areas like networks, servers, databases, and storage
A successful disaster recovery team needs clearly defined tasks and authority as well as up-to-date understanding of the infrastructure and company policies. If that seems like a daunting task, contact Xantrion. We can help you build your DR team or take on the responsibility ourselves through our Backup and Recovery and Managed Security offerings.