IT Consulting Services

Comprehensive IT Consulting Services for Your Business

Keeping up with technology is tough. Whether you’re running a small startup or managing multiple business units, new technology is always available that promises to transform the way you work, saving you time and money. But how do you know which technologies are worth investing in? And how can you be sure your current IT setup is helping your business instead of holding it back?

That’s where IT consulting comes in. Xantrion IT consultants are tech-savvy partners who help you navigate the confusing world of business technology. They offer guidance on everything from cybersecurity to cloud computing, helping to ensure your technology investments deliver maximum value.

What is IT Consulting?

IT consultants help businesses use technology to get things done faster and better. They can speak both “business” and “technology,” meaning they can understand your business’s needs and goals and then identify the technologies that will deliver your desired results.

IT consultants handle a business’ technology issues, allowing the organization and its team to focus on its core competencies. Using supplemental IT services like those provided by IT consultants can help companies identify opportunities to reduce cyber risk, streamline operations, and ultimately improve productivity and reduce IT costs — all without the hassle or cost of recruiting, hiring, and managing a full-time IT employee.

Regardless of your industry — from life sciences and healthcare to finance, law, and accounting — IT consultants can support the technology that powers your business, ensuring that you can provide customers with the best products and services and stay ahead of the competition.


Benefits of IT Consulting Services

IT consulting offers a wealth of benefits, from strategic planning and cost savings to access to expert knowledge.

Strategic Planning

One of the most important IT consulting services for businesses is creating an IT roadmap. With an IT roadmap, you can ensure your technology initiatives align with your business goals. You’ll also be able to prioritize your IT initiatives based on their impact, budget, and ease of execution. This kind of robust IT planning will help your business identify and mitigate system reliability concerns or cyber risks before they can cause business interruptions.

Cost Efficiency

Working with an IT consultant is an extremely cost-effective approach to IT management. Outsourcing your IT consulting can reduce your operational costs, allowing you to optimize the performance of your existing resources while prioritizing technology that offers a high ROI.

Additionally, an IT consultant can help your business proactively identify potential cybersecurity issues before they result in costly data breaches. This means your business can stay in business, remain open to customers and comply with industry regulations while avoiding the potential of costly fines and reputational damage.

Outsourcing IT services and consulting can be significantly cheaper than in-house IT resources. You can easily adjust as your business grows or requirements change because you only pay for what you use — not for full-time, in-house IT experts.

Expertise and Experience

Working with an IT consulting firm provides you access to experts with highly specialized knowledge — something that would be difficult (and prohibitively expensive) to maintain in-house. With IT consultants, you gain access to experts with the latest industry certifications, real-world experience in your sector or industry, and the ability to recommend exactly what your business needs.

When to Hire an IT Consultant

Uncertain if your existing IT setup is functioning at peak efficiency? IT consultants can identify optimization opportunities, helping your business streamline processes and boost productivity.

New Technology Initiatives

One of the best times to start using IT management consulting services is when your business is considering implementing new platforms, installing new systems, or adopting new digital transformation strategies. Working with an IT consulting company can be a valuable investment in your business’s future, as consultants can provide helpful guidance on deploying digital tools and technologies to drive innovation while minimizing disruption.

Scaling and Optimizing Your IT Support Processes

IT support consulting can help you determine the most effective way to onboard 30 to 40 employees in a single day. And an IT support team can augment your existing support staff with experienced professionals who have the technical and soft skills to keep your business running smoothly.


Our IT Consulting Services

Need help navigating your IT infrastructure? Xantrion’s IT consulting services offer a range of solutions, from virtual CIOs who craft strategic roadmaps to on-demand technical support.

Virtual CIO

A company’s CIO is responsible for developing its long-term IT strategy and ensuring it aligns with business objectives. But if your business is like many, hiring a qualified, full-time chief information officer (CIO) is not in your budget or roadmap.

That’s where a virtual chief information officer (vCIO) can help. A vCIO offers your company the same expert knowledge and experience as a traditional CIO at a fraction of the cost. How? Instead of working as a permanent employee within your business, a vCIO provides their services on a flexible basis.

Xantrion’s vCIOs offer numerous services. For example, your vCIO may work with your company to establish key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure technology initiatives’ impact on your business. They may also work with you to develop IT policies and procedures that promote security and ensure compliance with the appropriate regulations. They can even help you negotiate contracts with IT vendors, ensuring you get the best terms and pricing.

Operational Support

At Xantrion, our IT consulting firm provides a range of managed IT services that support your IT infrastructure. For example, one of our core operational support services involves implementing a robust disaster recovery strategy, ensuring your business can continue functioning even if the unexpected occurs. We also offer 24/7 support, ensuring your company can access IT professionals during nights, holidays, and weekends — when most emergencies arise.

Strategic IT Roadmaps

Xantrion’s IT consultants often kick off projects by creating a detailed IT roadmap that outlines exactly how your IT department currently operates. We perform a thorough IT assessment identifying opportunities, challenges, strengths, weaknesses, and potential threats within your IT environment. Then, we’ll provide you with a roadmap for improvement, including recommendations to help you achieve your objectives. And we always keep costs in mind, ensuring our guidance meets your organization’s needs and budget.

Technical Solutions

Xantrion’s IT consulting for business solutions offers technical solutions that we customize to meet your business’s unique needs. Depending on your situation and your goals, we may suggest things like:

  • Streamlining your network architecture
  • Migrating data to the cloud
  • Optimizing existing cloud resources
  • Conducting cybersecurity assessments and/or compliance gap analysis
  • Identifying ways to improve your business continuity and incident response

Why Choose Our IT Consulting Services?

Today, there’s no shortage of IT consulting firms from which to choose. So, how can you ensure you’re selecting the right IT partner — one that has the up-to-date knowledge, deep industry expertise, and real-world experience to help your business achieve its goals?

To ensure you’re making a wise IT investment, choose a firm with a proven track record of experience and the certifications to prove it. Don’t settle for an IT provider with “one-size-fits-all” solutions; insist on a partner capable of providing an IT approach customized to your business’s unique needs.


Industries We Serve

Life Sciences

Life sciences businesses move at the speed of innovation, and having a reliable, scalable IT infrastructure is crucial. At Xantrion, we understand the industry’s unique challenges, including stringent investor due diligence requirements and the need for secure data management. We provide tailored solutions to support your research and development processes, ensure you meet investor due diligence requirements, and protect sensitive intellectual property.

Financial Services

Hackers go where the money is — and that means that the financial services sector requires the highest levels of digital security and reliability. Xantrion’s managed IT services for financial firms include robust cybersecurity measures, secure cloud solutions, and compliance management tools. We can help you stay ahead of regulatory requirements while ensuring your IT infrastructure is agile enough to remain competitive.


Data security and integrity are more important in accounting than in virtually any other industry. That’s why Xantrion’s services for the accounting industry focus on providing secure data management, reliable backup solutions, and efficient collaboration tools. We protect your sensitive financial data while providing the technology infrastructure needed to serve your clients effectively.

Law Firms

Law firms regularly handle highly sensitive client information but need technology that can support security and productivity. Xantrion’s managed IT services for legal professionals include secure document management systems and mobility solutions that allow your attorneys to work securely from anywhere.


Your engineering firm relies on complex software with high-performance computing capabilities. At Xantrion, our IT solutions for the engineering sector include powerful cloud computing resources, collaborative design tools, and robust data storage solutions. We ensure your technology infrastructure can handle demanding applications while maintaining security and efficiency.

Proven Track Record

20+ years of high-quality IT consulting services for small- and medium-sized businesses.

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    Certified Expertise
    Partnering with Xantrion gives your business always-available access to our expert team. With seven certified cloud specialists, five certified IT operations specialists, 12 certified networking specialists, six certified security specialists, two project management specialists, and 38 certified Microsoft specialists, we have the certified expertise to tackle any IT concern.
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    Customized Approach
    Cookie-cutter IT support packages force your business to adapt to support that may or may not fit the way your company works. But at Xantrion, we customize our support options to meet your business’s needs. We’ll take time to understand your company’s unique requirements, then develop a customized approach that ensures you always have the level of support you need when you need it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What can an IT consultant do for my business?

An IT consultant can advise and assist your business throughout the process of integrating technology into your everyday operations. Working with your team, an IT consultant can identify your business needs and develop a strategy to implement new technology initiatives and optimize your existing processes.
Having access to specialized, up-to-date advice from an external IT partner gives you the guidance necessary to identify opportunities and overcome challenges. It also frees up your internal team to focus on other essential parts of the business.

How do I choose the right IT consulting firm?

To make an informed decision, you should first establish your technology goals and understand what objectives you’d like to achieve. Then, you should discuss these goals with each IT consulting firm you’re considering and learn how they can help you reach them.

Additionally, ensure that the IT consulting firm you choose:

  • Offers an appropriate solution that works within your assigned budget
  • Is compatible with your business culture
  • Is open to working closely alongside your internal teams

What’s the difference between IT consulting and IT support services?

IT consulting services focus on long-term business improvements and strategic planning, while IT support services are designed to provide day-to-day operational support and maintenance to help your business run smoothly.

For instance, your IT consultant may analyze your existing IT infrastructure and provide a blueprint to help your business manage it. This would involve assessing your current systems, developing specialized IT roadmaps, overseeing IT projects to ensure they run smoothly, and identifying and evaluating risks.

On the other hand, IT support services typically provide technical support to resolve user issues. IT support consultants typically do things like:

  • Monitor system performance
  • Perform maintenance tasks like updates and backups
  • Manage system outages
  • Resolve IT issues for computer users

How much does an IT consultant cost?

Several factors determine the cost of an IT consultant. For example, longer, more complex projects that require specialized skills will cost more than shorter, more straightforward projects. Consultants with more experience and credentials will also charge higher rates. And well-known, reputable consulting firms are also likely to charge more than newer firms.

At Xantrion, we offer flexible pricing models to suit different business needs and budgets.

What questions should I ask my IT consultant?

Some of the key questions you should ask your IT consultant include:

  • How much experience do you have working with businesses in this industry?
  • Do you have areas of technical specialty?
  • What accreditations does the consulting team have, and how up-to-date are they?
  • How many staff members does the consulting firm have on their team, and is this sufficient to provide adequate coverage in an emergency?
  • How frequently will the consultant meet with you, and how will these meetings be carried out?
  • How does the consulting team respond in emergencies, and how are unforeseen emergency costs handled?

Just as you do when selecting other service providers, before choosing an IT consulting partner, you should search online for information about the company: reviews, complaints, awards, and even client case studies and testimonials can all help inform your decision.

Ready to address IT skills gaps and maximize your investment?
