Managed IT Services

Is technology moving your business forward or holding it back?

If your organization is like many, it may be doing a bit of both. Many small- and medium-sized companies face IT challenges that consume valuable time and resources, diverting their focus from their core business objectives.

However, managed IT services can offer you a different path. By entrusting your technology needs to Xantrion’s team of experts, you gain more than just IT support — you gain a partner dedicated to aligning your technology with your business goals, ensuring it contributes to your success.

Experience IT as it should be — completely managed

Tired of wrestling with technology? Wish you had a partner who could help you prevent IT problems instead of just fixing them? Xantrion can help. Our managed IT services alleviate technology headaches, ensuring your systems run smoothly, your data is secure, and your team can focus on what they do best — growing your business.


Xantrion’s Business Managed Services

Xantrion takes a holistic approach to managed IT services, addressing every aspect of your technology needs. From day-to-day support to long-term strategic planning, our expert consultants have you covered.

Managed IT Support

At the core of Xantrion’s offerings is our robust managed IT support. Our team of experienced professionals is available around the clock to address any technical issues that may arise. But we don’t just wait for issues to occur — we proactively monitor your systems to prevent problems before they impact your business.

Managed Cybersecurity

Hackers are constantly honing their craft, developing innovative ways to steal credentials, gain unauthorized access to your systems, and wreak havoc. That’s why it’s critical to ensure your organization has robust security measures in place.

NIST — the National Institute of Standards and Technology at the US Department of Commerce — has developed a framework that is widely respected and adopted across industries. Xantrion’s managed cybersecurity services follow the NIST Cybersecurity Framework to ensure comprehensive protection for your business. The framework outlines a cybersecurity approach that ensures no security aspect is overlooked.
Following the framework’s structured approach, Xantrion works to create a culture of security awareness and preparedness throughout your organization.

The NIST framework consists of five main areas:

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    Identify: Xantrion can help you understand your current cybersecurity posture, identifying potential vulnerabilities and areas for improvement.

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    Protect: We implement robust security measures to safeguard your systems, data, and assets.

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    Detect: Xantrion uses advanced monitoring tools to scan for threats or suspicious activities continuously.

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    Respond: In the event of a security incident, Xantrion experts follow established protocols to respond swiftly and effectively.

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    Recover: We ensure your business can bounce back quickly from any cybersecurity event, minimizing downtime and data loss. And if an attack slips past our defenses, we recover your systems for free — since it doesn’t seem fair for you to pay to fix a problem Xantrion was supposed to prevent.

Cloud Solutions

There’s no denying that cloud solutions can offer your business unprecedented flexibility and scalability. But how do you ensure your move to the cloud is successful? At Xantrion, our cloud solutions cover everything from cloud migration strategy to service implementation. We can help you navigate the complexities of cloud adoption, facilitating a smooth transition and providing ongoing management of your cloud environment.

Proactive Monitoring

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” — and while he wasn’t talking about cybersecurity and systems availability, he certainly could have been. At Xantrion, we realize that the best way to recover from a security or systems incident is to avoid it altogether. We proactively monitor your IT infrastructure 24/7. Using advanced tools, we can detect potential issues early, allowing us to address them before they escalate into problems that could disrupt your business operations.

Data Backups

Your data powers your business operations. Xantrion’s data backup solutions ensure your critical information is always protected and recoverable. We implement robust backup strategies tailored to your needs, including off-site backups for added security. And we perform regular data test restores to ensure your information is available when you need it most.

IT Consulting, including Virtual CIO Support

Responding to problems as they arise is critical to your ability to return to business, but what about your long-term business success? That’s where strategic IT planning comes in. Xantion’s IT consulting services, including Virtual CIO support, provide expert guidance on your short- and long-term technology decisions. We can help align your IT strategy with your business goals, ensuring your technology investments drive growth and boost efficiency.

Managed Office 365

Microsoft Office 365 is an extremely powerful suite of productivity tools, but effectively managing it can be challenging. Xantrion’s managed Office 365 service takes care of everything from initial setup to ongoing management and security, letting you maximize the full value of Microsoft Office 365 without the administrative headache.

Receive fully managed IT services that stay within your budget

At Xantrion, we understand how important it is for your business to have predictable IT costs. That’s why our managed IT services provide comprehensive coverage while remaining cost-effective. Our transparent pricing model means that you know exactly what you’re paying for, with no hidden fees or unexpected charges.

How Managed IT Services Benefit Your Business

Managed IT services bring numerous advantages to small- and medium-sized businesses:

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    Increased productivity: By handling all aspects of your IT infrastructure and resolving most IT issues in an hour, Xantrion frees up your team to focus on core business activities.
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    Enhanced security: Xantrion’s comprehensive cybersecurity measures protect your business from evolving threats.
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    Scalability: Our services grow with your business, ensuring your IT capabilities match your needs.
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    Cost-effectiveness: Over time, Xantrion’s predictable monthly costs and reduced downtime deliver significant cost savings.
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    Access to expertise: Your business can benefit from the real-world knowledge and experience of Xantrion’s highly skilled IT professionals without the need (or expense) of hiring in-house.

Common Problems Solved with Managed IT Services

Xantrion’s managed IT services can help your business solve (or avoid) many common problems, including:

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    Frequent system downtime: Xantrion proactively monitors and maintains your systems, minimizing unexpected outages.
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    Data loss: Our robust backup solutions and regular restoration tests ensure your data is always protected and recoverable.
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    Security breaches: Xantrion’s comprehensive cybersecurity measures safeguard your business from threats.
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    Slow response times: Our 24/7 support ensures most IT issues are resolved in an hour.
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    Outdated technology: Xantrion consultants perform regular assessments and upgrades to keep your systems current and running at optimal speed.

Choose the Best Value IT Services Provider

An IT services provider shouldn’t break the bank. Benchmark the cost and support level of your managed service provider against Xantrion to ensure you’re getting the most responsive service, the highest system availability, and, ultimately, the biggest productivity improvement for your budget.


Industries We Serve

Life Sciences

Life sciences businesses move at the speed of innovation, and having a reliable, scalable IT infrastructure is crucial. At Xantrion, we understand the industry’s unique challenges, including stringent investor due diligence requirements and the need for secure data management. We provide tailored solutions to support your research and development processes, ensure you meet investor due diligence requirements, and protect sensitive intellectual property.

Financial Services

Hackers go where the money is — and that means that the financial services sector requires the highest levels of digital security and reliability. Xantrion’s managed IT services for financial firms include robust cybersecurity measures, secure cloud solutions, and compliance management tools. We can help you stay ahead of regulatory requirements while ensuring your IT infrastructure is agile enough to remain competitive.


Data security and integrity are more important in accounting than in virtually any other industry. That’s why Xantrion’s services for the accounting industry focus on providing secure data management, reliable backup solutions, and efficient collaboration tools. We protect your sensitive financial data while providing the technology infrastructure needed to serve your clients effectively.

Law Firms

Law firms regularly handle highly sensitive client information but need technology that can support security and productivity. Xantrion’s managed IT services for legal professionals include secure document management systems and mobility solutions that allow your attorneys to work securely from anywhere.


Your engineering firm relies on complex software with high-performance computing capabilities. At Xantrion, our IT solutions for the engineering sector include powerful cloud computing resources, collaborative design tools, and robust data storage solutions. We ensure your technology infrastructure can handle demanding applications while maintaining security and efficiency.

There’s a Reason We’re at Top 250 MSSP

Xantrion was recently honored by MSSP Security Alert as one of North America’s top 250 managed security service providers, coming in at number 48 on the prestigious list. And while we appreciate industry recognition, we’re most proud of what our clients have to say about us.

Make Sure You’re Choosing the Right Managed Services Provider

Selecting the right managed services provider (MSP) can take your business to the next level — or cause you to fall behind your competition. As you’re evaluating potential MSPs, consider these factors:

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    Experience: Look for an MSP with a proven track record in your industry.
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    Comprehensive services: Ensure the MSP can enhance system performance, provide cybersecurity, and maintain your IT environment.
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    Security focus: A Managed Service Provider (MSP) that annually secures an SSAE 18 SOC 2 certification, offers in-house security services, and is willing to provide cybersecurity guarantees demonstrates a strong commitment to security.
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    Scalability: Choose an MSP that can grow with your business, handle large groups of new hires and recommend infrastructure systems that easily scale in lockstep as your organization scales.
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    Support availability: To minimize downtime, insist on an MSP with 24/7 support.
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    Proactive approach: Remember, the best MSPs prevent issues before they can occur.
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    Transparent pricing: Choose an MSP that doesn’t charge for things like system restoration and provides transparent, predictable, and understandable pricing.

Work with a managed IT services firm you can trust.
